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Free Trakscan Demonstration CD

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Welcome to the Trakscan Demo Home Page.

What is Trakscan ?

Trakscan is a program which was originally specifically tailored for the geological technique called "Fission Track Dating". Our new version for Windows incorporates many new labour-saving features. In particular, we now provide on-screen images of fission tracks for simplified marking and counting, and simultaneous views of the grain mount and the (inverted and rotated !) mica mount for easy comparison.

Trakscan has been designed in close collaboration with teams at Melbourne University (Geotrack International) and LaTrobe University in Melbourne, Australia, as well as several overseas teams. Trakscan eliminates the tedium of the External Detector method of Fission Track Dating, and also allows the measurement of track length. This part of the technique can now be carried out on-screen, using a mouse, or alternatively in the traditional manner which requires a digitiser tablet (included) and drawing tube (optional extra).

Trakscan will run under any version of MSWindows. The software has been designed to work with the Autoscan range of microscope stages, which will fit onto any of the popular optical laboratory microscopes. The combination of software and hardware results in a powerful tool that can be used to automate laborious, time consuming, subjective and often error prone microscopy tasks.

The full power of Trakscan must be seen to be believed!

Please contact us at Autoscan Systems for a free demo CD, and further information about the Fission Track Dating application. Our demonstration version of Trakscan allows you to try out our software without the need to purchase an Autoscan stage ! All you need is an IBM-compatible PC running MSWindows 98 SE or NT Version 4 or higher, and having a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 x 24-bit colour.

Email :

Please also check out our document download page for a copy of the user manual

We want your feedback!

Trakscan has been developed to take the tedium out of microscopy. Trakscan has grown a lot in the many person-years that have gone into its development. A lot of this growth can be attributed to the feedback we have received from Autoscan customers. Because we act on this feedback, our customers benefit, and the product benefits by being continuously improved. Trakscan is a dynamic program that is designed to be flexible and can, and will, be improved to meet your specific needs. We will be more than happy to discuss possibilities, improvements or modifications with you. Right at this moment, we are working on the next Windows version of Trakscan, and we would be happy to incorporate features which will be of use to *you* ! Please contact us now :

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Contact Details
Autoscan Systems Pty. Ltd.

Street Address : 4/293 Bay Street, Brighton 3186 Victoria Australia
Postal Address : PO Box 112, Ormond 3204 Victoria Australia
Telephone : +61 3 9596 8065 / +61 3 9596 8092
Facsimile : +61 3 9596 8369
Email :
Geographic coordinates : Lat. 37 deg. 52 min. South, 145 deg. East
Melway streetmap reference : 67 F9
Ham Radio World-Wide Locator (WW-LOC) : QF 22 md
Webmaster (Mike Krochmal VK3KRO) :
NEW URL ! : http://www.autoscan.com.au/

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