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What people are saying about us

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Here is what some of Autoscan's customers have to say about our company and our equipment

"Savings of 80% of operator expenses of over USD $ 20,000.00 within one year, releasing personnel to carry out other less monotonous tasks"

"New unique focussing capability, allowing 3-axis motion. This results in the enhanced reliability and accuracy which are required by top strategic researchers in Fission Track Laboratories"

"I have no hesitation in recommending this combination of the Autoscan AS3000 stage and other advanced imaging technology that we have used, to other researchers who need to develop flexible solutions quickly, (for tasks) that involve motorised microscopy"

"In six years of operating an Autoscan stage, I have had few occasions to require service by Autoscan Systems Pty. Ltd.; when I have, the response has been immediate and helpful"

"We are completely dependent on our [Autoscan stage systems]. The automated stages make so much difference ... that it is difficult to conceive of returning to the old manual techniques. I now regard the Autoscan stage system as an essential piece of equipment ..."

"Grain image location is completely automated and results in an approximately five fold increase in prodcutivity for an experienced operator compared to manual counting times"

"No institution currently contemplating establishment of a sophisticated fission track laboratory, or those laboratories already in existence, can afford to be without an Autoscan Stage system"

" I have no hesitation in recommending this combination of the Autoscan AS3000 stage and the other advanced imaging technology that we have used to other researchers who need to develop flexible solutions quickly that involve motorised microscopy."

" How I wish I had a good engineer and a programmer in our team, such as yourself and your powerful crew!"

Our clients in 20 countries are among the top 100 organisations in the OECD countries, Japan and the USA. They include, among others, the Australian Radiation Laboratories, CSIRO, ANSTO, LaTrobe University and Geotrack International Pty. Ltd. in Australia, Fujitsu Corporation in Japan, the Brookhaven National Laboratories in the USA and The Academy of Sciences in the Peoples' Republic of China.

To serve top organisations, a company must be able to offer top quality systems and effective after-sales service. It also needs to be totally committed to invest in R&D in order to achieve continuous product improvement. Most importantly, it needs satisfied customers. This is how Autoscan Systems Pty. Ltd. operates. Every one of our customers has given us an "excellent" rating for product quality and customer service during the last 5 years.

Contact Details
Autoscan Systems Pty. Ltd.

Street Address : 4/293 Bay Street, Brighton 3186 Victoria Australia
Postal Address : PO Box 112, Ormond 3204 Victoria Australia
Telephone : +61 3 9596 8065 / +61 3 9596 8092
Facsimile : +61 3 9596 8369
Email :
Geographic coordinates : Lat. 37 deg. 52 min. South, 145 deg. East
Melway streetmap reference : 67 F9
Ham Radio World-Wide Locator (WW-LOC) : QF 22 md
Webmaster (Mike Krochmal VK3KRO) :
NEW URL ! : http://www.autoscan.com.au/

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